You have questions.

We (hopefully) have answers! If you’re still confused after reading through the FAQs, please reach out at and we’ll be happy to answer.

What should I wear?

Our official wedding dress code is Colorful Summer Cocktail. What does this mean exactly? Well, it’s cocktail attire, but summer-y (it’s going to be hot), and color is strongly encouraged. You all, the most important people in our life, are the focus of our wedding! More than the decor and the venue, and we want you to stand out. We want you to pop! In the words of the Canlis (the restaurant where we got engaged) dress code “Go big, look good, and have fun with it!”. You will not be overdressed. And it will be the best gift you can give to Payton.

A note on footwear: Our wedding will be an outdoors affair and some parts will take place in a vineyard. Shoes might get dusty, thin heels will sink in the grass, that sort of stuff. Please choose footwear accordingly.

When should I RSVP by?

You are free to RSVP as soon as you know if you’re coming! The sooner the better. The last day to respond is May 26th, 2025.

Are kids welcome?

Our wedding will be 21+. While we love (your) kids, we want our guests to have the opportunity to let loose and/or have a date night.

Where should we stay?

We generally recommend staying within walking distance of downtown. If you can walk to The Thief, our favorite wine store in Washington, you are probably in a good spot. Please refer to our “Travel” page for more details.

What’s the transportation situation to and from the wedding?

We are still working on this. We will have more information soon and will update accordingly!

Do I get a plus one?

All guests will be named on the invitation. If you haven’t thrown it away yet, please refer to the envelope of your Save the Date for the names of the guests in your party.

What is the weather like?

Walla Walla can, and probably will in June, be hot. But at least it’s a dry heat! Plan for 80-90F during the day, and 65 - 75F at night.

How do I get my wine back home on the plane?

If you flew Alaska Airlines, wine flies free! Just make sure to securely box it up so it arrives in one piece. Most wineries have an extra case box around that they’ll happily give you. Fill the case and proceed to the Alaska Airlines check-in counter. They will have packing tape and a luggage tag so that your wine arrives safely to your destination.

So, if you go to a tasting, buy a bottle or two! Heck, join the wine club. Support small businesses!

These two are doing a pretty solid job nailing the dress code.

(If you needed an example. But feel free to put them to shame!)